
Gynecomastia Treatment

Enlarged male breast tissue is known as Gynecomastia. It can be seen in males of all ages but is typically seen most often during puberty as hormones fluctuate, or in males over the age of 50 as the body begins to produce a lower amount of testosterone. Other contributing factors may be body fat, which stimulates estrogen production thus encouraging tissue growth.

As mentioned, Gynecomastia is typically due to a hormonal imbalance, specifically testosterone and estrogen. Additionally, there are medications that can increase the swelling of the male breast tissue. Most can be seen as a button-sized growth under the nipple or a breast lump. This can occur in one or both of the breasts.

Gynecomastia affects 50 to 65% of all males. When noticed at birth, Gynecomastia is typically related to the birth mother’s estrogen levels and will resolve within a few weeks. It is also common during puberty as hormone levels fluctuate but will likely go away with the most common occurrence being late adulthood.


There are two common options for treating Gynecomastia, Liposuction and a Mastectomy.

During Liposuction, the breast fat is removed but not the breast tissue. Patients may also choose to treat with a Mastectomy to remove the breast gland tissue. This is done using small incisions and is less invasive with a lower recovery time.

As all patients vary, so do treatment plans. We will assess you need and create a customized solution. Our ultimate goal is to help every patient feel and look their best.